Firstly, I would like to express my gratefulness to the Almighty Allah, who gave me the courage and strength to conduct this thesis.I would like to convey my heartiest gratitude to my honorable supervisor DrMd. SaifulAlam, Associate Professor, Department of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, SUST. I amgrateful to him for giving me the opportunity to work on this valuable topic and for his constant supervision and valuable suggestions during my thesis work.The greatest

 gratitude goesto my honorable co-supervisor MrMd. Jakaria, AssistantProfessor, Department of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, SUST. I am grateful for his encouragement, inspiration, constant supervision, constructive criticism and immense suggestions.Special thanks to all the teachers of Department of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, SUST for their contributions during subjective classes which helped me a lot to understand this critical topic to complete my thesis work.I’m grateful to my familywho supported me in every stage of my life.Md. Abdur Razzaque Sarker